Eyelid Swelling From Fillers
In the past few years the causes of eyelid swelling have expanded. Lid swelling may result from styes and chalazions-- which are lid margin infections and inflammatory reactions from occluded oil ducts respectively. Thyroid gland abnormalities including hyperthyroidism and less commonly hypothyroidism may cause fluid retention as well as prominent eyes. Allergic reactions and ingestion of salty foods are additional causes for eyelid swelling.
In the past few years, however, swelling particularly in the lower eyelids has become more common. Fillers, specifically certain hyaluronic acid products are hydrophilic-- which means they may attract fluid. The resulting fluid accumulation may occur weeks or months or even years after the eyelid injections. Please contact Dr. Rodgers if you have eyelid swelling as remedies exist for fluid induced puffy eyelids.
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